Day 25: Engine diagnosis/paintwork preparations part II
Diagnosis: Pants. :( It's hard for me to write this, but there's no point denying it: The 02 engine is wrecked. The straightedge and a call to Andreas H. in M. confirmed it: Recondition possible, but not really worth it....after all, we're talking about a simple Type-1-Block. We need to find an alternative, to stay within the budget limit. The blocks that I have still lying around unfortunately don't have any cross beam points. We're working on it though. It will has to.
Gute Nachrichten von der Presto-Front: Es geht in Riesenschritten voran. Matthias wird nicht muede, Bilder zu schicken... Na also! Mittlerweile sieht es deutlich so aus, als wuerde er schneller fertig als wir...
Good news from the Presto-front(?): Advancement in giant steps. Matthias doesn't tire to send pictures...very good. By now it definitely looks like he'll be finished before us...
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