- Schriftzugloecher entfernt
- Spiegelloecher entfernt
- Waschduesenloecher entfernt
- Einbruchsschaeden gerichtet
- Antennenloch entfernt
- Feuerwand endgueltig fixiert
- die vorbereitete Motorraum-Verblechung verschweisst
- Motorraum-Verblechung hinten hergestellt und verschweisst
Friday, February 22nd 2013
Day 22: Metal VII - done
We can hardly believe it, but we did it. The metal works are completed, tomorrow we'll go to the painter. Again, few words and many photos (I hope to have pacified my sister with this, since she's translating this mess [I am pacified, dear brother :D Keep up the "few words" strategy!])...today we managed, in list-form:
- removed logo holes
- removed mirror holes
- removed washer jet holes
- fixed theft damage
- removed antenna hole
- finalised installation of firewall
- built and welded the metal for the rear engine compartment
- welded the previously prepared metals in the engine compartment
-> The beer at the end of this working day was well deserved. Tomorrow we'll eat metal dust again, as the whole lot will be grinded down - and we'll give the jalopy away for painting.
Ich bin fasziniert, ihr Blechpiraten.
AntwortenLöschenBitte danach in KleinSerie bauen.
Dann brauch ich auch einen 924 aircooled edition.
Schöne Grüsse aus Kamen.
Thank you for the translation. I am really enjoying reading about this!