Day 9: Rear engine support beam, Exhaust decision
Today we had to tackle one of the more difficult challenges of the project: the rear engine support. After a test-fitting of the Weber on the provisionally assembled engine, we realised that the engine covers need to be mounted quite a bit lower than we initially anticipated. This led us to not being able to fit the mounts for the support beam where we originally planned. Thus a revising of plans, both in shape as well as mounting points.
The decision on exhaust routing played a role in the making of the cross beam. We had three exhaust systems to choose from on-site but a few factors to consider: the different designs of the flange, appearance from behind and the route for air through the heat-exchanger. That left us with only one combination: J-pipes combined with the Sauer & Sohn system from my 1302. That's ok though, it keeps everything at roughly the same place.
Der Rest des Tages bestand aus Laerm, UV-Strahlung und Eisenstaub. Aber immerhin: Die Traverse ist fertig. Und stabil. Gut.
The remainder of the day was filled with noise, UV-radiation and metal dust. But anyway: The cross beam is done. Stable. Good.
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